For organised posts, see Overview BLOG. Features Principles of Democracy-Adapted Power and the Plague: Power | Theory | Hazards | Covert. For more conventional theory of society, see Information Production Theory: Media | Hierarchy | Economics | Overt. For a recent history of oppression in Sweden see this timeline.

I argue it is feasible to enslave a people, without disturbing the perceptions of a free society. From a minimal set of assumptions, it is possible to show that a network can assert power over people while remaining unseen. Moreover, formidable covert organizations should be expected to emerge, on the basis of inequality of information, due to incentives at a fundamental level.  Such entities should be taken seriously as their foundations also are drivers of expansionary strategies and conflicts.

By default BY NC applies

A main thread is the theory of covert action and organisation. These two pinned articles (2020 & 2021) provide important clues.

Pinned Post

Too much to handle for orthodoxy, and even denied publication by Reddit! Power/You proudly presents The Cambridge Conspiracy. Although some may consider subsequent results unexpected and unrealistic, facts seem to be stranger than fiction as usual.

A fraction of the population in advanced economies is engaged in production –  What do people in wealthy countries do all day?

Censored by the illustrious Swedish academic forum Högskoleläckan! Power/You proudly presents The Bullshit Conspiracy. This paper deals with the theory of fictitious employment, all the way from basic definitions and explanations, to political implications. The famous work on Bullshit Jobs, by the world-renowned activist David Graeber, is shown to be a bullshit theory. Surprisingly enough, it is aligned with the Alt-right on key issues. It is vintage smash-and-grab of work from leftists. A theory of society is outlined from a game-theoretical perspective, and an alternative approach of no-bullshit jobs is developed.

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Frikänd i rättegång med konstlade anklagelser

I grova drag hade min argumentation tre delar 1) Gärningsbeskrivningen är otrolig och alltför otydlig, vilket är förknippat med rättsliga komplikationer 2) Målsägandes berättelse går inte ihop 3) vittnesmålen är alltför osäkra.

Malmö tingsrätts dom är i linje med den första punkten; och delvis med den andra. D.v.s. att åtalet säger en sak – våld…


Vänsterledarens utspel skulle lika gärna kunna företrädas av representanter från Försvarsmakten, Moderaterna eller SÄPO

Brottsmisstanke obefogad

Av dessa skäl är det inte ställt bortom rimligt tvivel att jag (a) har fällt målsägande till marken med våld (b) har fällt målsägande till marken med uppsåt att skada honom (c) att målsägande inte provocerat.

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